英文资讯:年的故事 Nian!A Chinese Story

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英文资讯:年的故事 Nian!A Chinese Story

2023-12-19 08:33| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

High in the mountains lived a horrible demon creature called Nian.


This monster resembled a lion with sharp horns and menacing teeth!

这个怪物形如狮子, 长着尖角和獠牙。

Throughout the year he would sleep soundly,until the lunar new year arrived, when he would descend upon the village.

在整个一年它都熟睡着, 直到农历新年的到来,在那个时候它会祸临这个村庄。

Seeing everyone locking up their homes,he asked if anyone was willing to offer him a place to stay.

他看到家家都房门紧闭, 他询问着有没有人愿意给他提供一个留宿的地方。

The villagers,however,were too concerned with protecting themselves that they paid no attention to the old man.

然而这些村民们, 他们太过于关心自己的人身安危而没有注意到这位老人。

An old woman from the east side of the village saw the poor man.


She brought him some food and explained why everyone was in such a panic.


She pleaded with the beggar to leave as soon as possible or else he may suffer a terrible fate.

她恳求乞丐赶快离开, 否则他将遭受可怕的命运。

He requested that if she offered him a place to stay for the night he would reward her by banishing the evil creature.

而乞丐却请求道, 如果她为他提供一个过夜的地方, 他将驱逐那个邪恶的生物来报答她。

Not convinced,she continued to plead with the man, but in the end,since she feared being left out when nian arrived, she had no choice but to agree to his proposal.

但老妪却并没被说服, 她继续请求老人离开, 但后来,老妪因为害怕年到来时她还呆在外面, 所以她别无选择, 只得同意他的提议。

Once midnight arrived, so did Nian.

午夜一到, 年也到了.

Normally, the village remained completely silent and dark, however, this year there was something different.

在往常, 这个村庄是完全静默且黑暗的, 然而今年却有些许不同。

At one end of the village, Nian could see lights in the distance.


Approaching cautiously, Nian drew closer to the home.

年谨慎地靠近着, 它离这家越来越近。

Once Nian arrived, it found the home of the old woman had been covered with red papers and bright light was coming from inside.

当年到达这家时, 它发现老妪的家被红纸遮盖着,还有明亮的光线从里面射出来.

It began to tremble and growl in fear.


Enraged by such unusual and irritating things, Nian charged the front door, but was met by a barrage of loud intimidating practice and flashes, stopping Nian in its tracks.

年被这种反常和令人讨厌的事激怒了,它向前门冲去, 但一连串吓人的声音和闪光把年定在 了原地.

Through the smoke,the old man emerged in a bright red gown, who was loudly beating a drum and roaring with laughter at how scared Nian appeared.


Overcome with fear, Nian fled away through the dark night.


The next day, the villagers emerged from their locked homes and were surprised to discover the village remained untouched.

到了第二天, 村民们从他们锁住的房屋中走了出来, 他们惊讶地发现该村未受影响。

At this moment, the old woman remembered the message from the beggar.

这时, 老妇人想起了乞丐说的话。

She beckoned to the other villagers to examine her home to see what the old man had done to save their village.

她召集其他村民查看她的房子, 看看这位老人为拯救他们的村庄所做的事情。

They were interested to see all of the red papers,lanterns and burnt bambo, (the cause of the cracking sound and inspiration for modern-day firecrackers)They were quickly enlightened by the fact that these seemingly simple objects have been the same that had scared away Nian and kept their village safe.

他们对眼前的这些红纸,灯笼和燃烧过的竹子感到好奇,(而燃烧过的竹子是现代鞭炮爆裂声和灵感的起源), 他们很快受到启发, 这些看似简单的物品就是已经吓跑了年并保护了村庄安全的东西啊.

To celebrate their triumph over the beast, the villagers darned similar bright red outfits and visited neighbours to share the joy.

为了庆祝他们战胜了野兽, 村民们穿着类似的鲜红色服装,并拜访邻居分享欢乐。

The news quickly spread and soon after, Nian was no longer a threat to anyone.

这一消息迅速传开, 不久之后, 年不再对任何人构成威胁。

As the years passed these traditions were formed and the fears that the new year had once caused was replaced with the excitement and celebration and everyone would stay out late to welcome the new year.

随着时间的积累, 这些传统逐渐形成,人们之前对新年的恐惧被兴奋和庆祝所取代, 每个人都会在外呆到很晩以迎接新的一年。

We wish everyone a very happy Chinese New Year and we hope that it will be full of prosperity and happiness for all!

祝大家春节快乐,希望大家新年快乐, 喜事连连!返回搜狐,查看更多




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